Color Darkoom 101

This Analog Color Darkroom workshop is for anyone interested in learning about creating color prints in a traditional color darkroom. The course focuses on the 12 basic steps of color printing from choosing the best negative to creating your final 8×10” print. You will learn how to judge the best negative and how to print test strips to analyze for color and density. You will be printing and critiquing your own final 8×10” print. Included in this course will be instruction for using the darkroom enlarger and the Kreonite processing machine. Additionally, you will learn the important procedures for using filters in the darkroom to alter the color of your print.
Prerequisites: None
Bring: One roll of processed C-41 (color) 35mm film*, water and a brown bag lunch.
*NOTE: Processing of one roll of C41 35mm film is included with your registration fee. Film must be at Full Circle by the Wednesday, before the workshop to be processed. You may drop off or mail in. Please note that you are enrolled in the Color Darkroom Workshop at drop-off or on the mail-in form.
Date: TBD
Time: 10am-4pm
Location: Full Circle Fine Art Services
33 East 21st Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Instructor: Bill Wierzalis: As a color and black & white printer for the last 35 years, Bill has mastered the art of printing using only the analog process of light sensitive materials and photochemistry. Besides having worked in three photography studios with other professional photographers, he exhibits his images in 20 art shows a year around the East Coast. His photographs can be viewed at
Cost: $200TBD